Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Logical Vs Illogical Vs Not Sure On Logic


Logical Vs. Illogical Vs. Not Sure On Logic
This flow chart explains: Why and how an employee is ending up with performing a task in spite of one’s opinion on it.

In a corporate establishment, most of the times it happens that an employee will act on the task at hand irrespective of his/her agreement or disagreement on its logical correctness.

Prime reasons for doing so might include hierarchical decisions, Organization requirements, internal politics, and a leaders wish to showcase his/her team’s efficiency and an employee’s inability to derive the task’s logical state 
 In detail:
When task is assigned, an employee has to go with self-analysis as foremost action. We normally hear any of these 3 sounds...
1)    Found Logical?
2)    Found Illogical?
3)    Oneself Not Sure On Logic.

Case –1: Found Logical:

Interpretation 1: you are having a complete clarity on Task.
Verdict 1: Please go-ahead and perform the same. 

Case -2: Not Sure on Logic:
Interpretation 2.1: This is when we say “I am in dilemma”, Most of the employees fall into this type of situation which is easier than illogical point in drawing a reason ‘’ Why are we performing task?”
Reason behind not sure on logic is because of inability to derive the task’s logical state or improper self-analysis.
Verdict 2.1: It’s a need of reiterating one’s analysis or enquiring colleagues to derive a logic behind.

ü  Sometimes, we might ends up with the same question (or) might found logical (Refer: Case 1) (or) illogical (Below: case 3

)Interpretation  2.2 :Every employee who ends up with a point of “Not sure on logic” for a second time is Just because of 2 reasons- one could be inability to derive the task’s logical state and 2nd could be a Manager asked you to perform the same despite of giving any explanation. There could be a reason behind not disclosing the same with us, having various reasons as mentioned above like hierarchical decisions, internal politics, and managers are wishing to showcase his/her team’s efficiency.
Verdict 2.2: Also please go ahead with performing task.

Case –3: Found Illogical:
Interpretation 3.1: This is a highly toxic texture. Because of deriving a task is illogical after analyzing which slowly forms a demotivation layer in the brain which made you to become very rigid in performing the same
Verdict 3.1: Toxic texture has to be medicated. It means, desensitize one’s personal opinion and have to think/enquire from a management aspect to understand an organization requirement.

This is the case which gives 3 combinations to know “Why we perform the task” and 1 combination of “We don’t” on a thought of Company Requirement Vs. deciding one’s logical state. They are: 

a)      Yes for company requirement and found logical for oneself (which ends as Case 1)
b)      Yes for company requirement and still not sure on logic (which ends as case 2)
c)       Yes for company requirement and found illogical. (Below 3.2)
d)      NO for company requirement. (Below 3.3) 

Interpretation 3.2. (For point c): Yes for company requirement and found illogical
Every employee would have faced this situation. Even would have performed the task by continuously saying “Don’t know for what I am doing this and don’t know what output that could get out of it.
Verdict 3.2(For point c): Even though one will be asked to perform the task because of hierarchical decisions.

Interpretation 3.3(For point d): NO for company requirement
Verdict 3.3(For point d):  Answer is clear ‘NO’ when it is illogical and No for company requirement. But having smart convincing power to communicate this point to supervisors/management and dropping the same 

Over all Verdict:
If we realize, complete task performing decision is moving around 3 points (Logical, Illogical and Not Sure on Logic) and many combinations in confusing manner which is what every employee is unable to figure out how and why it is happening to oneself.
Relating every minute line to the tasks that we perform makes we understand better. 



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